Paul Herr Consulting

We Provide Solutions

Go With The Employee Engagement Experts

Want to tap into the passion, creativity and energy of your workforce and become a "Best Place to Work" in your community that attracts and retains top talent?  Then we really ought to talk.  We have the expertise, tools and best practices to improve your employer brand, boost employee engagement and help you create a high-performance culture that beats the competition.   Please call us to get acquainted and describe your employee engagement and leadership-training needs (608-833-9446).

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We Bring Clarity to a Confusing Concept

For most people, employee engagement is a confusing, ill-defined concept. We understand it better than most because we are employee-engagement pioneers who have researched the subject for over 35 years.  We invented an entirely new way to think about employee engagement that is simple and straightforward.  Our approach is being used by major corporations worldwide to get the best from their people.

Would you rather work with a consultant who merely studied employee engagement, or a pioneering company that wrote the book on it.

Primal Management Logo

Our methodology is based on Paul Herr's critically acclaimed book, "Primal Management: Unraveling the Secrets of Human Nature to Drive High Performance" that was published by the American Management Association in 2009.  You can download sample chapters of Paul's book at

Chapters 1 to 3 describe our novel approach to employee engagement and Chapters 4 to 8 contain practical leadership tips to improve it.



Get Value for Your Money

Before you spend megabucks on one of the big consulting firms, please send us a request for proposal (RFP).  We are boutique consulting firm that specializes in leadership and employee engagement.  We believe we have developed the simplest, most logical, most scientifically-advanced approach to employee engagement on the market. The deeper you look, the more you will appreciate our sophisticated, but simple, approach.